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Goodbye & Good Luck

Goodbye & Good Luck

Celebrate life's special milestone occasions with our Goodbye & Good Luck party supplies! Whether it's a retirement party, an office farewell, a bon voyage party before you travel the world or you just want to wish someone good luck in their new job, our festive supplies will help you create a joyous and memorable celebration.

Life is full of events, sometimes planned and sometimes unexpected. Moving house, coming home from medical treatment, changing jobs or going on an overseas adventure – these events are big changes in life and deserve to be celebrated. Our Goodbye & Good Luck party supplies are perfect for making these transitions extra special.

Welcome - Welcome someone to your work team with our welcome banners. Perfect for decorating walls and doors, these banners will make any new employee at your workplace feel special! Welcoming someone home from overseas or from a hospital stay? Create a warm reception or them with our Welcome Home holographic banner, yard sign and cutout decorations. Hosting an international student? Welcome them to Australia and your home with our International Welcome Banners.

Retirement – All those hard years at work deserve a wonderful send off, so why not host an office party and serve a special lunch on our Happy Retirement or Congrats on Your Retirement plates and decorate your colleague’s desk or workspace with our Happy Retirement or Congrats on Your Retirement banners.

Sorry You’re Leaving – Sometimes unexpected things in life can mean someone has to leave their job, leave home or leave the country, and you can let them know you will miss them with our Sorry You’re Leaving banners. Stick them up in their office or workspace, or in their bedroom at home to show how much you care.

Good Luck – There are so many moments in life where we need a bit of luck (and encouragement!) – going for a medical procedure, sitting a test for your driver’s license, exams at uni or school, taking a trip abroad or starting a new job. Wish someone well on their big event with our Good Luck banner. Stick it up in workspace or surprise them at their home, and give them the pat on the back they need for their new endeavour!

Congratulations – Whether it’s a new car, new job, new home or a new baby, it’s nice to congratulate someone on a big achievement. Use our beautiful gold Congratulations banner or our white and gold mini Congratulations pennant banner to wish them all the best with their big step!

Wish someone well and express yourself with our fun Goodbye & Good Luck party supplies.